

Hey there. Welcome to Earth 2050! It’s a site about the future as seen through the eyes of futurologists, scientists, and Internet users from all corners of the globe.

Select a year — 2030, 2040, or 2050 — and study the predictions for different cities and countries: what will happen to our planet, what our lives will be like, what jobs we will have, what we will eat, and more. Got anything to add? Vote, comment, and make your own predictions!

This project was created and is supported by Kaspersky, which for more than 20 years has been developing innovative solutions to protect critical infrastructure and cities, businesses, and ordinary users.

We at Kaspersky try to make the world a safer place. To do this, it’s important to have a mental picture of what we can expect in the future: how people will live in 20 or 30 years’ time, what needs to be protected, what threats will exist, how the physical world will interact with the virtual. Therefore, we are looking for a variety of opinions — from experts, futurologists, and simply anyone who cares about the future.

The more we consider the likely trajectories of society and technology, the more we can foresee — and thus make our common future better and more secure.

What you can do here

  • Read and watch

    Earth 2050 has two main pages, arranged differently. The Map loads by default on desktop computers, and the less-demanding Feed appears on smartphones and tablets. There’s a Map–Feed toggle in the middle of the screen.

    Circles on the Map indicate places where someone has left a prediction. If the circle is white, predictions about the place are text-only; if yellow, the predictions include illustrations.

    Many of the illustrations are 360-degree panoramas that reveal more details when rotated. They too have circles on them with predictions and additional images. The toggle in the upper left corner lets you travel through time — to 2030, 2040, and 2050. You can use this feature to see how a particular place will change over the years.

    The Feed has all this too, but organized slightly differently. It’s great for watching the latest news or viewing predictions on a specific topic.
  • Leave likes and comments

    Agree with a prediction? Vote for it. Don’t agree? Click No. You can also leave comments under each prediction. Lively discussions are raging right now under many. To vote for or comment on a prediction, you first need to register.
  • Add your own predictions

    We invite everyone to speak up and offer their vision of the future. To leave a prediction, you need to log into your profile and click your avatar followed by the Add prediction button (or just click here). Next, you need to indicate the place about which you want to make a prediction, choose a year, write your forecast, and post it. After approval by the moderators, it will appear on the site.


  • Why isn’t my city on the map?

    This is a long-term project, and we can’t do it all at once. But we will try to fill in the blanks. Suggest your vision of the future of your hometown, street, or favorite place on Earth. Add a prediction and this place will appear on the map.
  • Who wrote and drew everything?

    Many renowned futurologists and experts in specific areas are involved in the project.

    Our authors include British futurologist Ian Pearson, US science fiction writer David Brin, British cosmologist and astrophysicist Martin Rees, angel investor Steve Hoffman, popular blogger Isaac Arthur, architect and engineer Carlo Ratti, and many other top-notch professionals. Many predictions came from Kaspersky’s own experts.

    The illustrations were created by professional artists and concept designers from around the world.
  • I am not a futurist. Can I make a prediction?

    We welcome everyone’s ideas. But only those that pass our editorial filter will get published. We’re sure you understand that only high-quality content can be allowed onto the site.
  • In your version, equipment looks different in different places in 2050. Won’t we have globalization?

    Sure we will. But the future is not a stiff monolith; it’s a motley mosaic of many concepts and ideas. We all have different backgrounds and perspectives, and so of course ideas and predictions will differ slightly from place to place.
  • Why can’t I access this website from my mobile device?

    Some older devices do not support WebGL technology, which is used in Map mode. Try the Feed instead.
  • This thing on your website doesn’t seem to work.

    Thank you for noticing. Please write to us with the subject line “Mistake” and we’ll fix it.
  • May I use content from your site?

    Sure! Feel free to share content from this website — just be sure to cite the source and the author.
  • How do I delete my profile from the site?

    First, sign in to your account on the site. Next, open your profile page by clicking the circle with your photo (desktop version), or the three dashes (mobile version) in the upper right corner. Select «Profile» in the dropdown menu, and click it. This page shows information about your account. Under your profile picture, click «Edit profile». Scroll down in the window that opens. Click «Delete profile» and confirm the action. All done! Your account and personal data are permanently wiped from our database.

    If as a user you left comments and/or predictions, and wish to remain visible as their author, please contact the site team at BEFORE DELETING your account. Otherwise, all your comments and predictions on the site will appear as anonymous. More information here (link to the site’s Terms of Use).